Welcome Migbusiness!


miglogo_200x200Welcome to our project!!

We just have a new incorporation. It is a pleasure to welcome Migbusiness, Zoho parter from Russia. Dmitry Solovyev, Founder and Consultant, tells us obout Migbusiness:

МИГ Бизнес – осуществляет консалтинг по систематизации бизнеса, а также проводит dimtryавтоматизацию бизнес-процессов под ключ с помощью современных облачных приложений. В стандартные работы входит описание и оптимизация бизнес-процессов, комплексное внедрение облачных решений, обучение сотрудников и предоставление долгосрочного сопровождения по дальнейшему внедрению современных технологий. Результатом работ является создание операционной системы бизнеса в рамках, которой основные и поддерживающие процессы компании автоматизированы, а управление осуществляется удаленно.

If you are interested in contacting Migbusiness follow this link

Welcome iDAYit!

Logo_iDAYit_200x200Welcome to our project!!

We just have a incorporation. It is a pleasure to welcome iDAYit, Zoho parter from Swiss. Julien Grandjean, CEO and founder, tells us obout iDAYit:


“iDAYit assembles applications to form coherent solutions to enable a corporate facility management for its customers. We are very pleased to participate in this project for us and for our customers

If you are interested in contacting iDAYit follow this link

Welcome CleverBridge!

Logo_CleverBridge_200x200Welcome to our project!!

It is a pleasure to welcome CleverBridge, Zoho parter from Switzerland. Balz Hug, Chief Executive, tells us obout University Degree Zoho Creator can help Zoho  customers:

“Zertifikatsprogramme vermitteln eine vertiefte Weiterbildung und Zusatzqualifikationen im Fachgebiet. Wir gehen im Cloud-Zeitalter neue Wege und stellen Ihnen dank internationaler BalzZusammenarbeit ein neues Programm vor: Ein Degree in Zoho Creator. Mit diesem Programm erhalten Sie gleich einen doppelten Mehrwert: Erweitern Sie mit dieser Weiterbildung Ihre persönlichen Fähigkeiten für das Abbilden Ihrer Ideen in modernste Business Apps. Lernen Sie, wie Sie die Team-Zusammenarbeit für Ihre speziellen Geschäftsanforderungen mittels einfacher online Datenbankapplikationen fördern und den Geschäftsalltag optimieren können. Sie erhalten für diese wertvolle Studienleistung entsprechende ECTS Credits. Fragen Sie uns, wir helfen Ihnen gerne beim Einstieg in diese moderne Welt.

If you are interested in contacting CleverBridge follow this link

This week’s Zoho Creator University Degree session: What’s in store?

This Friday, December 9th, there is a live streaming session for all the students of this edition of the Zoho Creator University Degree.

The class will start at 5p.m (GMT +1) just like every Friday and this week, a new lesson will be taught:

“Communications using APIs and integration functions”

If you’re curious about what will be discussed in this class, here’s a preview.

This is how the ERD Diagram Master Class went

captura-masterclass-erd-gesprozThis past Friday April 8th, José Perez, Sagitaz CEO, taught two Master Classes on Entity Relationship Diagrams in Zoho Creator, one in English and one in Spanish.

The Zoho Creator University Degree online sessions are taught every two weeks on Fridays, this means that the students have one Friday off between sessions.

For this reason, and due to the interest shown by the students in ERD Diagrams, SagitaZ as a collaborator in this first edition of the University Degree, proposed two extra sessions open to everyone who is interested in learning more about this subject.

If you couldn’t attend the Master Class and you want to know what was discussed in it, take a look at this video where you can watch the complete session:

The Zoho Creator University Degree, a path to follow.

way-caminoThe main objective of most Postgraduate studies is to set a path, regardless of whether they are online or face-to-face. And because this trainings are specialized in a specific subject, they are not a professional training.

This is the explanation of why the Zoho Creator University Degree comprehends 300 teaching hours and only 36 hours correspond to online sessions. The rest of the hours should be dedicated by the students to independent study.