Wellcome Généraction!


Logo_generaction_200x200Welcome Généraction!!

We just have a new incorporation. It is a pleasure to welcome Généraction, Zoho parter from France. François Nanquette, Manager,  tells us obout Généraction:

« Déployer Zoho CRM avec un expert de la fonction commerciale. Connaître parfaitement Zoho 3f6226fCRM est un préalable nécessaire mais pas suffisant. Depuis 1985, Généraction apporte à tous les secteurs d’activité des solutions de performance commerciale et marketing. Quel que soit le
métier ou le marché, Généraction assure dans des délais courts le bon paramétrage, la formation utilisateurs et le déploiement de votre solution Zoho CRM et ceci à partir d’une connaissance terrain approfondie de la fonction commerciale. »

If you are interested in contacting Généraction follow this link

Wellcome Hardnet Solucions Tecnològiques – HST

Logo_HST_200x200Welcome to our project!!

We just have a new incorporation. It is a pleasure to welcome HST , Zoho parter from Spain. Jordi Rabinat, CEO, tells us obout Hardet Solucions Tecnològiques:

« Tenemos más de 15 años de experiencia en el sector de la informática y nuevas tecnologías, HST está formado por un equipo de profesionales con alta cualificación técnica, trabajando continuamente para ofrecer una respuesta inmediata, confiable y eficiente.

Nuestro rasgo diferencial es la capacidad para ofrecer un servicio global en nuevas tecnologías. Es por ello, que nuestro abanico de servicios cubre todo lo que una empresa puede necesitar en el mundo TIC. (Servicios cloud, soporte del sistema informático, diseño web y soluciones de internet, software y hardware,  así como implantaciones de Zoho CRM, Google Apps, etc.). Con HST dispondrás en cada momento de un interlocutor preparado para ofrecerte las soluciones más adecuadas a cada necesidad, teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de tu organización.

Trabajaremos juntos para optimizar los recursos y mejorar el rendimiento mediante la tecnología, para conseguir los mejores resultados empresariales y reducir los costes cuando sea posible. »

If you are interested in contacting HST follow this link

What is going to be taught this week on the Zoho Creator University Degree?

In this post, you can find the calendar of the current edition of the Zoho Creator University Degree. In the calendar you will see that the lesson to be taught on the second week of November is “Forms to data managing ».

This lesson will be divided in two sessions, one on Thursday, November 10th and the other on Friday, November 11th. Want to know more details about what will be discussed in these sessions? Watch the videos for a preview of each one of them.

Why Zoho Creator University Degree?

There are many companies and individuals who want to learn to develop by themselves the applications needed by their businesses and their customers. For all of them, whether they are developers or not… for more details on the content of the next edition of this training, click HERE.

Zoho Creator University Degree & Zoho Creator Workshop

Nowadays there are many people interested in learning how to develop their own applications to meet their business needs. The Zoho Creator Workshops and the Zoho Creator University Degree are two options for those who are seeking training to carry out their own projects with Zoho Creator.

What possibilities are there for those interested in specializing and becoming certified in Zoho Creator?

Which are the differences between the Workshop and the Zoho Creator University Degree?

Zoho Creator University Degree: April 2017 class is cancelled


Unfortunately, the edition of the Zoho Creator University Degree starting 28th of April is cancelled due to low enrollment of the students.

According to the requirements of starting the course, it must be enrolled the minimum number of students, which allows to impart this university course.

Therefore, the full amount of paid course fee will be refunded to all those interested who have already reserved their place for this edition. If you are a student, we will contact you in the next few hours via email to provide us with your bank account number to make the refund.