This week we’re all thinking about New Year’s Eve, what are we going to wear? How are we going to celebrate? …
But that’s not all, this week the students of the Zoho Creator University Degree complete their training with the last online streaming session and the final exam!
In this last online streaming session lesson 10 will be taught:
“Market Place”
This edition’s final exam has 40 questions, the questions review all the topics studied during the course and they will be in chronological order.
To approve the Zoho Creator University Degree, it is essential to pass the final exam.
But if you are up to date with the course tasks, exercises, quizzes, projects and have attended all the online sessions, passing this exam should be just one more task to complete.
The students of this edition will finish the year 2016 knowing how to make the most of Zoho Creator developing projects and applications on their own for their companies.
If you also want to learn all that this University Degree has to offer, enroll in the next edition that begins on 2017.
Fill out this form and review the contents on this link.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017!