The academic diploma program consists of 10 subjects distributed in 3 thematic groups: requirements analysis, development and sales. Here you will find a table that describes the complete program.
Basic aspects of a project | 1,20 |
User interface | 1,20 |
Forms Data Management | 2,48 |
Reports for decision making | 2,48 |
"Deluge Script": Development language | 1,20 |
HTML views | 1,20 |
API communications and integration function | 1,20 |
Customer Portal | 1,20 |
Database migration to cloud | 1,20 |
Market Place and sales opportunities | 0,72 |

Basic aspects of a project
The correct approach to project development is essential to web development. We will introduce students to the basic aspects of web environments, databases, user levels, data security, graphics, design tools, etc.
By viewing their work as a project, students will be able to organize their work around processes designed for the solution that they want to create.

User Interface
Any programming environment like the one that will be taught in this course will permit us create series of actions from a set of functions. Each system has a series of limitations. Introducing students slowly to the programming work environment is essential to break any possible mental barrier for any kind of profession. Otherwise, they are often set aside in creating web solutions if they don’t receive proper backround when starting out.

Forms Data Management
The basic component of database management solutions is the form. This course will focus on showing all the aspects, components, and capabilities of forms.
It is also essential that students learn simple techniques for representing their database’s information. This skill helps people plan, organize, implement solutions, and collaborate effectively for their creations.

Reports for decision making
Any solution provided in the field of information management must generate final reports for users to provide them with information in order to make better decisions.
It is essential to be familiar with solutions when generating actions of reporting for the students as well as the suitability of each solution for each type of requirement.

Programming Language “Deluge Script”
Beyond creating forms and management fields, it is possible to create an intelligent system that runs behind the interface your app’s users will see. Learning the various functions of this scripting language will help students make fully functional applications that fulfill their requirements.

Creating HTML views
HTML is the world standard for creating user interfaces on the web. While HTML pages can be created using a word processor, learning tools that simplify the creation of aesthetically pleasing pages helps students make more complete solutions. Learning how to create a better design of the applications will help in making them intuitine to use as well as attract customers.

API communications and integration function
API technology has changed communications between web platforms or services by offering a simple and fast method of reading and writing. Following the launch of new products, creating APIs is becoming a priority for software developers. This technology gives them a simple way to connect their solution with third-party developers.

Creating customer portal
Web solutions for process management can be geared towards managing only a few users in an organization or managing thousands of users. Creating a customer portal can give your solution a different point of view and it can be economically efficient.

Database migration to cloud
Migrating databases to the web, enhanceing collaboration and increase data security has an increasing demand to.
There are billions of data existing that needs a rapid migration to the web, therefore the concenpt iself is worth studying.

Marketing solutions in Market Place
Building process management solutions on the web is globally growing business sector. Learning about dissemination strategies, the business of applications, and the world market will be the finishing touch to this degree.